Podcasts for Moms

There is no shortage of parenting information out there. It’s overwhelming, in fact. You’ll never have time to sit down and read all of those books you have stacking up on your nightstand! And when you Google your deepest questions and concerns about your baby or toddler, you’re bombarded with competing theories about the best feeding and sleep routine techniques. You just don’t have the opportunity for all of this reading.
Enter podcasts. This is a great medium for moms to get information because it’s just listening. You could be doing your hair, taking a walk, or driving… and still getting education, support, and even a laugh here and there to keep your brain engaged and growing throughout your day.
Here are a couple of podcasts you might want to check out… recommended by clients, friends, other maternal mental health professionals, and myself.
This podcast covers all aspects of perinatal mental health… “Postpartum depression is only part of the story.” Dr. Kat interviews many moms and mental health professionals to give you perspective, information, and hope as a mom.
“Stories about the surprises and absurdities of raising other humans- and being raised by them.” Listen in on other mom’s stories… you’ll discover you’re not alone in these crazy years of early childhood.
God Centered Mom: Don’t Mom Alone
Follow the journey of a mom of four boys as she applies Christian principles to parenting. This podcast is not specific to parenting any certain age group but is an encouragement to moms at any stage.
Here’s a podcast for pregnant and new parents- covers lots of related topics such as breastfeeding, fears, finances, baby wearing… you name it!
“Join us and learn more about how we all experience this wild ride of motherhood—in similar and unique ways!” This podcast highlights interviews with professionals in areas such as mental health therapists and psychologists, sleep consultants, fertility experts, etc.
Okay, this one has very little to do with the specific topic of parenting. This podcast is my guilty pleasure that I listen to every day. It’s a Christian radio show that I used to listen to when we lived in Colorado, and since moving to Indiana I’ve switched to listening to the podcast. I find that it’s a great balance between serious and funny topics. Since it’s a radio show format, everything is in 3-minute-ish segments so it’s great to have on in the background when I’m making dinner or folding laundry, and it doesn’t require a lot of focused attention.